

Questions to ask so you can be assured your giving makes the impact you want.

Not all non-profits and charitable institutions are created equal. Some stick to local-only causes, giving back in ways that you can probably see in your own community. Some have a national reach and are able to contribute to efforts across the country or even around the globe.

以任何你决定回馈的方式, you may be curious about how your efforts and your dollars will be put into action and how to know if a charity is legitimate. Can the organization explain its short- and long-term goals, quantify its current progress and demonstrate a track record of success? 它是否管理良好、透明? You can find answers to all these questions so you can have more confidence in w在这里 does charity money go. Here are some key questions to ask in your charity comparison.


A tax deductible donation is a donation that allows you to reduce the amount of taxable income you make. 如果你向免税慈善机构捐款, 国税局有规定 that must be followed to determine if you qualify for the deduction. 并不是所有的慈善机构都是免税的. To discover if a charity is deductible, check with the IRS database.

在哪里可以找到答案: 使用 可检索的IRS数据库 了解慈善机构的纳税状况.


In many cases, a charity organization will be able to answer questions you have. 这可能包括成员资格协调器, the president of the organization or a communications expert attached to the charity.

怎么做: Write down what you want to know and ask to speak with or email someone on the charity staff that could answer your questions. For example, your questions may include effectiveness statistics, future goals or tax questions.


If a charity doesn't publish a report or can't back up its claims with actual statistics, 这可能是一个危险信号.

怎么做: Dig into an organization’s website for mission statements and annual reports and search for keywords such as outcome and impact, which may offer insights into the charity's efficacy.

W在这里 can I learn about a charity from a third party?

You can check with the Better Business Bureau’s charity website to look up charities and discover whether t在这里 are any reports available for your charity of choice.

怎么做: 检查 商业改善局慈善网站.


根据慈善观察, the most highly efficient charities spend 75% or more of income toward their cause. 25% or less should go toward the cost of doing business (administration, fundraising, marketing, etc.).

怎么做: Several online resources have already done the homework for you and offer a variety of rankings and information.

  • “慈善导航 lists the percentage of a charity's budget that is spent on overhead.
  • 慈善机构表 按原因组织的慈善机构列表, so it's easy to find new organizations as well as a list of high-asset organizations that may have a wealth of funding for years or decades to come.
  • GuideStar offers resources for donors, nonprofits and grant-givers.
  • GiveWell vets organizations worldwide that work to alleviate global poverty and increase global health.

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